Werken via Chinaplus

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Lid geworden op: 07 mei 2015 16:28

Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door Jerommeke »

Hallo allemaal,

Ik wil graag in buitenland gaan werken en kwam laatst via Oneworld een mooiie vacature tegen voor sportleraar in China via Chinaplus. De voorwaarden, betaald appartement/ticket/goed salaris, klinken erg aantrekkelijk. Maar ik ben wel benieuwd of er hier mensen zijn die via deze organisatie zijn weggegaan en wat jullie eigen positieve/negatieve ervaringen zijn?
Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 03 jan 2017 08:48

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door Travelingdutchess »

Ik werk via Chinaplus en kan ze absoluut niet aanraden. Via de organisatie rechtstreeks solliciteren in China werkt beter en scheelt je 800 euro aan contract kosten. Enige dat Chinaplus doet is je cv doorsturen aan de Chineze organisatie. Ik werk voor een prive school en ken veel mensen die zelf gesolliciteerd hebben. Alle zelfde voorwaarden. Het bedrijf heet i2 in China. Via Bing kan je ze vinden. Daarbij biedt Chinaplus ook absoluut geen nazorg en wordt veel informatie verzwegen
Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 22 feb 2017 21:03

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door Steye »

Ik heb in 2015-2016 voor ChinaPlus gewerkt en kan het helaas niet aanraden. Voor mijn complete verhaal, zie:


Werken als leraar kan heel gaaf zijn - maar lees je wel goed in over wat je kan verwachten. De verschillen tussen Nederlands en Chinees onderwijs zijn groot!
Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 26 jul 2018 12:45

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door worldexpat »

Chinaplus is echt een lachertje, er werken 3 amateurs die niet weten wat ze nou eigenlijk doen en alleen maar op geld uit zijn. Ze matchen je met een school waar zij het grootse voordeel bij hebben en kijken totaal niet naar wat jij zelf wilt. Een grote afrader dus! Ik raad je aan om gewoon zelf met een school in China in contact te komen en alles te regelen. Al willen ze wel dat je Engels goed en near-native is. Dit scheelt je veel tijd en je verdient ook meer, ook weet je zeker dat de school aan je eisen voldoet. Je kan me een berichtje sturen als je wilt weten hoe ik dat heb gedaan.

De verschillen tussen Nederland en China zijn wel groot, maar als je je makkelijk aan kunt passen, dan red je het wel. Gewoon jezelf openstellen voor de cultuurverschillen en vooral met een glimlach werken doet wonderen.

Veel succes!
Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 08 mei 2019 14:12

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door danawilms »

Ik werk momenteel in China via Chinaplus als Engels leraar. Aixia en haar team hebben enorm geholpen. Mijn visum aanvraag is dankzij hun harde werk soepel verlopen. Ook nu ik in China ben, weet ik dat ik altijd kan terug vallen op Chinaplus, wat een erg fijn gevoel is. Aixia reageert snel en denkt goed mee als ik een vraag heb. Enkel lof voor dit bedrijf! :)

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door AixiaLI »

Dear all,

Thank you for your reviews on China Plus. I am writing this response as the owner of China Plus and my name is Aixia Li. I would like to emphasize that we value honest reviews because that is the only way we can improve our services. We also understand very well that you all want to protect other travelers from becoming a victim of a company that makes empty promises. 

China Plus is a company that is still young and learns every day - especially from mistakes. In the past, we have encountered certain unexpected situations, which unfortunately turned out to be to the detriment of our participants, but whether the experiences are good or bad, we are always with our teachers and we have grown so much from all different cases. China Plus is run by a team of people with a passion for China. All employees have lived there for a long period. I myself am Chinese and have been placing teachers across China for over 6 years. We have experienced changes in the work visa regulation at least 5 times towards non-native English speakers and every time it becomes more and more complicated into the Dutch market as well to China Plus. As the person who started this company, I really want to make the great experiences we have had in China possible for others, and we want to do this in a safe, transparent and affordable way, that's also why we nowadays make the program free of charge to the participants. Of course, we are also familiar with stories where companies promise a lot but do not deliver. That is not the company that China Plus wants to be. 

Our services include providing advice to people looking for a job as a teacher in China. First of all, we select suitable participants, help them collect the necessary documents for matching them to a school, link them to a suitable school in China according to the preferences of the participant, set up a second interview for both parties if necessary, check the contract to make sure the school offers reasonable conditions, assist the participant with signing the employment contract, guide them with legalising the documents for applying for a Chinese work permit, give pre-departure training and finally assist the participant with applying for a work visa. Before the participant leaves for China, we make sure they have all our contacts (e-mail account, WeChat account, Phone number, etc) in hand so that they can approach us in many ways if needed. We are always there ready to help them out.

China Plus now works with reliable partners in China who, just like China Plus, put the interests of the participants first. We do our best to present a realistic picture of the adventure in China, especially when it comes to living space, working hours, number of students and number of classes. However, that does not mean that difficult situations cannot arise. Chinese culture is complex and can definitely cause unpleasant moments. Chinese colleagues may not speak English well and that is sometimes a major challenge. A great deal of flexibility and commitment is also expected from the participants and it is important to be open-minded and culturally sensitive. Our programs are therefore not suitable for everyone. That is why nowadays we organize a personal interview with all our candidates in which we check whether someone is suitable to function in a culturally different environment. We also regularly organize pre-departure meetings to prepare our participants as well as possible for cultural differences and to give ideas about teaching in China.

With our programs, we hope to offer many people an unforgettable adventure in a great country. We understand it is a huge step for every candidate, therefore we handle every case in person and always go the extra mile to meet the specific needs as our company mission. We devote ourselves to giving certainty to our participants and aim to help them gain the most from their Chinese experiences. In addition, we work on improving our service every day and do everything we can to prevent errors. 

Thanks again for your reviews. If you have any questions for us, please contact me directly at aixia@chinaplus.eu. In addition, we can also bring curious people into contact with teachers who are currently working in China to hear about their experiences. We are happy to talk to our participants' opinions in all openness. 

Sincerest wishes and good luck for the future,
Berichten: 1
Lid geworden op: 15 mei 2019 17:32

Re: Werken via Chinaplus

Bericht door AAQQ »

I would definitely recommend ChinaPlus. I came to China via ChinaPlus. They were very honest about other teachers' experiences in China and answered my questions to their full ability. The best thing is to make a list of questions before going to ChinaPlus for your interview. They can even connect you to teachers who are already teaching in China via them, to learn about their experience in China.
Two things that you should definitely pay attention to: 1. start your paperwork on time and 2. come what may, don't leave for China untill you have a working visa.

For me 'certainty' (don't want to be left without a job all of a sudden) and 'legality' are very important. An advantage to getting a job via an organization is that they will take care of your paperwork and they will help you if things don't work out e.g. if you get fired from a job even though it wasn't your fault, they will help you find a new job; you are not left on your own in the middle of nowhere (didn't happen to me). Although you get paid less normally if you get a job via a recruiter, you WILL get paid and that too on time (all these things are not valid for all recruiters/organizations though: I am very happy with my present job and haven't had any difficulties with my pay so far)

Overall I am very happy with the service, help and feedback of ChinaPlus throughout my time in China. Happy teaching in China! 😊

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